Protect funds and assets with a Trust or Settlement. These can provide flexible, secure financial management, in both life and death.

We provide specialist advice for anyone looking to set up or manage a trust (known as the Settlor) as well as their families. Creating a trust is an effective way to portion off assets into different funds for different people or purposes. There are a number of reasons to use a trust, including:

  • Making provision for Grandchildren
  • Protecting assets where there is a second or subsequent marriage or civil partnership
  • Tax planning

We offer a range of support related to trusts and settlements, including the creation and termination of trusts, as well as tax implications and Trustee powers and duties. We can make sure that any trust is operating in your best interest, and to do this, we will consider:

  • The position of the Settlor including their age, marital status, lifestyle, wealth
  • The persons to benefit and their personal and financial circumstances
  • The value of the fund to be placed into trust
  • The wishes of the Settlor and the intention behind the creation of the Trust
  • Any foreign element
  • Taxation implications of the gift into the trust and any ongoing tax considerations.

We are also happy to help any beneficiaries of existing trusts who are unhappy with the current arrangements or the management.

The management of any trust or settlement is also an important consideration. Your trust will need to be administered soundly, including trust accounts and tax returns. 

Our specialist knowledge, and dedication to your satisfaction is what sets us apart here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors. Trusts and settlements can be complex, but we have the experience and qualifications to provide high quality advice and support in this area. Get in touch today.

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