Peace of mind about your finances is something you deserve at every age. As life expectancy rises, so to do the complexities and challenges faced by elderly and vulnerable people. Here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors, we are committed to providing high quality services and support.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

We provide a dedicated and committed service for protecting your financial and personal interests, even in the event of lost mental capacity.

Paying for care

One of the most common issues faced by elderly or vulnerable people is the ongoing cost of care services. Here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors, we can assist with this, ensuring that the proper assessments and procedures have been implemented for determining funding. This includes providing initial assistance in completing the Means Assessment forms, and negotiating with appropriate organisations on your behalf to ensure that the correct level of NHS Funding is received.

Discharge from hospital

Returning to home, or to a care home from hospital can be a daunting time for any elderly or vulnerable client. We can help ensure that all of the legal and financial aspects of this are dealt with appropriately, and that all of the procedures are followed correctly. We can also provide legal support for any funding or financial issues related to this.

    How can we help?