Whether you are creating a general succession planning program, or disposing of a business interest, property or land development, tax planning can be incredibly beneficial. Here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors we can provide tailored advice and support, particularly around capital gains tax, to achieve the best outcome for our clients.  

Capital Gains Tax reliefs

One of the most important considerations for any tax review or tax planning process is capital gains tax. Here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors, we can help navigate a variety of capital gains tax relief opportunities. These include:

  • Entrepreneur’s relief to reduce the amount of tax paid when selling shares in all or part of a business
  • Rollover relief applied to the sale and replacement of business assets

Inheritance tax relief

Here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors, we can also help you navigate inheritance tax, and inheritance tax relief. This can include business and agricultural property relief from inheritance tax on the transfer of agricultural land.

Transferring assets

Transferring assets may be necessary or beneficial, before further tax steps are taken. This can include:

  • transferring an asset to another family member
  • transferring an asset into trust
  • transferring an asset into a corporate structure

For this reason, the sooner advice is sought, the greater the potential tax advantage may be.

We provide specialist, high quality support for all kinds of tax planning, including succession planning, here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors. Get in touch today.

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